The layout of a dynamic page is defined by a page definition, which is a static portal page acting as the master copy. 动态页面的布局是通过页面定义来定义的,页面定义是一个充当主副本的静态门户页面。
For a regular page, we copy all attachments and all PageBody fields. 对于普通页面,我们复制所有的附件和所有的PageBody域。
From the text box at the bottom of the page, copy and keep note of the part of the URL following the string? url= in the src attribute of the script tag. 从页面底部的文本框中,复制并粘贴脚本标记的src属性中的URL的?url=后面部分。
If a guest attempts to change this shared page, it will be given its own private copy. 如果一个Guest尝试更改这个共享页面,它将得到自己的专用副本。
To install a new module, download its code from its project page, extract it, and copy the module to Drupal's module subdirectory. 要安装新的模块,从它的项目页面下载模块代码,然后解压缩代码并将模块复制到Drupal的模块的子目录中。
Browse for an online Web page for which to save a local copy. 浏览到一个在线的Web页面以便保存它的一个本地副本。
It will have a home page that displays some promotional copy and a form that posts to a database table. 该站点将有一个主页,显示一些宣传文本和一个表单,该表单将发布到数据库表中。
On each product page, there are the usual items: headlines, sales copy, thumbnail photos, the number of items in stock. 在每个产品页面,都有几个常见项目:标题、销售说明、缩略图图片、库存数量。
The big advantage of this code is that anyone can use the View Source command to view the script from the page and copy the code into their own pages. 此代码最大的优点就是任何人都可以使用ViewSource命令来查看页面中的脚本,并且能将这些代码复制到自己的页面中。
Scroll to the bottom of the edit permission level page, and then click Copy permission level. 滚动到“编辑权限级别”页面的底部,然后单击“复制权限级别”。
Copy information from a Web page into a document: Select the information you want to copy, and then on the Edit menu, click Copy. 将网页中的信息复制到文档:选择要复制的信息,然后在编辑菜单上单击复制。
When you save or close the page or the copy of the default style sheet, you are prompted to confirm your customizations. 当保存或关闭网页或默认样式表的副本时,系统会提示您确认该自定义设置。
The page itself does not experience an error, but the copy of the page number that is used by the disk controller or by the operating system is randomly changed. 页本身没有遇到错误,但磁盘控制器或操作系统所使用的页号的副本则是随机改变的。
Click upload file to open the upload file page, which is used to copy a file from the file system to a report server. 单击“上载文件”可打开“上载文件”页,使用该页可以将文件从文件系统复制到报表服务器。
Developers can publish their apps directly to the service and the Pieceable team will create a web page that displays a fully functional copy of the app. 开发者可以把自己的应用程序直接发布到Pieceable上,然后Pieceable团队会制作一个可以演示应用全部功能的一个网页。
Drag onto the page, then copy and paste the special characters where you want them. 拖到绘图页上,然后复制特殊字符,并将其粘贴到需要这些字符的位置。
On this page, you can choose whether to create a backup copy of your solution or project. 在此页上,可选择是否创建解决方案或项目的备份副本。
The general rule is to hit save every half page or so Never have the only copy of your work saved on a single floppy disk. 一般规则是每打半页左右就存盘。别把你的文件只保存在一张软盘上。
Certification format: Certifier's signature should be placed on the first page of the copy document and the number of pages should be recorded. 证明格式:证明人应在文件复印件首页签字,并注明页数。
On the main page of the utility, click Copy product package. 在此实用程序的首页中,单击复制产品软件包。
The first data page has a copy of the end of text. 数据段第一个页面包含了一个正文段末端的拷贝。
On this page, you specify whether a copy of your solution or project in its current format is made before the solution or project is converted. 在此页上,可指定在转换解决方案或项目之前是否创建其当前格式的副本。
One way or another, it's important to accept that none of us neither designers nor writers know what the "best" page design or copy is until we test. 不论怎样,这点很重要,就是我们当中没有一个人,不管是设计者或作者,知道页面怎样设计才“最好”,直到我们进行测试后。
On the site content and structure page, select the item or select multiple items to copy. 在“网站内容和结构”页上,选择要复制的一个或多个项目。
This is also on the801 home page, so don't copy this. 这也在801主页上,所以不用抄了。
Do you devote a central part of the page to first-time visitors? Does the copy specifically help first-time visitors achieve their goals, quickly and simply? 网站主页中心位置是否为首次登录网站的访问者设计呢?网站文字内容是否可以帮助初次登录网站的访问者快速、简便地完成目标呢?
In the insert page dialog box, click duplicate all objects on page, and then type the number of the page you want to copy. 在“插入页面”对话框中,单击“复制该页上所有的对象”,然后键入需要复制的页数。
On the thank you for registering page, copy the key. 在“感谢您注册”页上复制密钥。
When you save, instead of saving the content as static HTML, Excel will write a page containing the Spreadsheet control and a copy of the selected content. 这样当您保存时,Excel就会生成一个包含了电子表格控件的页面,以及所选择内容的一个拷贝,而不是将内容保存为一个静态的HTML文件。
Practice and investigation on asking authors to supply the first page copy of references with revised manuscripts 请作者提供参考文献原文首页复印件的实践和思考